Cardiac Organoids

Cardiac organoids are three-dimensional structures engineered in the laboratory to mimic the architecture and function of the heart. Created through advanced tissue engineering techniques, these miniature organ-like models contain clusters of heart cells that spontaneously organize and beat in a synchronized fashion.
Cardiac organoids serve as powerful tools for studying heart development, disease mechanisms, and drug responses in a controlled and physiologically relevant environment. Their potential applications range from unraveling the intricacies of congenital heart defects to screening pharmaceutical compounds for cardiac toxicity. Cardiac organoids represent a promising avenue in cardiovascular research, offering insights that can contribute to the development of personalized medicine and innovative treatments for heart-related conditions.


Optogenetics manipulates cell activity using light, advancing neuroscience research with precise control and insights into neural circuits.

PacBio Sequencing

PacBio’s long-read sequencing resolves complex genomic regions, detects structural variations, advancing genome understanding.

Illumina Sequencing

Genome sequencing fragments DNA for analysis, identifying genetic variations and disease genetics. Crucial for studies, it provides a cost-effective approach to genome understanding.